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Deep Path


Path is a function to easily retrieve and update a possibly nested property in an (immutable) object in TypeScript. As shown in the Patch documentation, it can be quite hard to update an immutable object without helpers. That Path object allows you to specify the location of a nested property using a string:

import { Deep } from '@rimbu/core';

const person = {
name: 'Bart',
address: {
street: 'Evergreen Terrace',
number: 742,

// set the address number to 760
const updatedPerson1 = Deep.patchAt(person, 'address.number', 760);

// get the person street
// usually not very useful, but has its use cases
const street = Deep.getAt(person, 'address.street');

Example sandbox

The following CodeSandbox shows more examples of how to use the Path object:

Open file below in new window with full type-check

Details of the Path types.

Paths into values can be of two types: read-only or writable. Read-only paths are used in methods like Deep.getAt to retrieve values in objects. In this case, optional chaining is allowed, so that undefined is returned if any value in the path is null or undefined.

Writable paths are used in methods like Deep.patchAt. Here the value needs to be read, but also updated back into the result object. Having optional chaining would complicate the behavior of such methods. For this reason, optional chaining is not allowed for these methods.

The Path.Result type determines the result of applying a specific string path to a given value.

Paths have a similar format to normal TypeScript chaining:

const v = {
a: [1, 2],
b: {
c: { d: true } as { d: boolean } | null,

// equivalent
const r1 = v.a[0];
const r2 = Deep.getAt(v, 'a[0]');

// equivalent
const r3 = v.b.c?.d;
const r4 = Deep.getAt(v, 'b.c?.d');

Read-only paths, Path.Get<T>

The Path.Get type represents a read-only path supporting optional chaining.

This includes:

  • simple property access, e.g. for { a: { b: 2 } } -> "a.b"
  • simple array access, e.g. for { a: [1, 2] } -> "a[0]"
  • simple tuple access, e.g. for { a: [1, { b: 3 }] as [number, { b: number }] } -> "a[1].b"
  • optional array nested content access, e.g. for { a: [{ b: 1 }] as { b: number}[] } -> "a[0]?.b"
  • optional property chaining, e.g. for { a: null as { b: number} | null } -> "a?.b"

Writable paths, Path.Set<T>

The Path.Set type represents a writable path into values, which are more limited than read-only paths.

Writable paths support:

  • simple property access, e.g. for { a: { b: 2 } } -> "a.b"
  • simple array access, e.g. for { a: [1, 2] } -> "a[0]"
  • simple tuple access, e.g. for { a: [1, { b: 3 }] as [number, { b: number }] } -> "a[1].b"